January 11, 2011

FAQ: How can I view the links I've posted on Facebook?

As the new Facebook profile page design is rolling out to everyone so are lots of questions on where to find things on the profile. One of them is how can I view the links that I've posted on Facebook in the past?

This information used to be accessible from the Home page but now it's no longer visible to the human eye on your profile, and is it gone forever? The answer is no. Facebook may not make it visible on your profile but you can still view the past links you've shared with your friends.

To view your links:

1. Type the word links in the Search field on the top of your profile.

2. Click the Links app.

The page by default displays your friends' links.

3. Click My Links on the left side bar to view your links.

Although I'm not too happy with this workaround at least we can still view the information.

Did this help you? Tell us in the comment section below. Also if you need to know how to find anything else in the new profile let us know. It may just be our next blog post.

Update April 2013

With the new timeline the steps I provide in my post don't work anymore. I don't want to delete the post because I want to keep track of this functionality and later be able to provide you with another workaround to find your links.

In the meantime, if you click on Activity log under your cover, then on Your Posts on the left menu you will be able to see the links. The disadvantage is that this will display all your posts not only the links you've shared. If I find another quicker way I will post it here.


  1. There is no "my links" on the left side???

  2. this doesn't work anymore...I see others have developed apps to do this though.

  3. Thank you, but this doesn't help with the new facebook timeline...

  4. There is a simpler way. If you're already using new design you can go to "Activity Log", then choose in right up corner icon [All] and then choose what you need.
