So now it's up to you to decide what information you want to view on your newsfeed, and subscribe or unsubscribe. Just keep in mind, if you unsubscribe to a friend you won't see any updates on your newsfeed.
Here's how you can update your subscriptions:
1. Click Subscriptions.
2. Click Friend Subscriptions.
3. Click Subscribed.
4. Checkmark how many updates you want to view.
- All updates: Like word says ALL your friend posts
- Most updates: Equivalent to what you see today
- Important updates only: Stuff like new job, or move
5. Checkmark or uncheck the kind of updates you want to view (status, life events, photos and videos, comments and likes, or other activities).
If you don't want to see any updates for certain friends then select Unsubscribe.
Hope this helps you! Let us know what else you would like to know about Facebook in the comment section.